Mark 10:32-52
Discussion questions:
What do James and John request of Jesus (10:37)? What does this request reveal about how they view Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem? In what ways can we, like the disciples, fall prey to wrong expectations about following Jesus and what Jesus can/will do for us?
In what relationships/situations are you most tempted to “lord” you position, power, authority, or status over someone else? Why? Why is it so dificult to live by Jesus’ words in 10:42-44?
How can the example of Jesus on the cross, and the substituionary love there revealed - see 10:45, transform our hearts so that we more fully desire to obey Jesus’ words in 10:42-44?
In what ways does Bartimaeus portray the ideal disciple? In comparison to the twelve, how does Bartimaeus show us what following Jesus should truly look like? In what ways does his example challenge you?