Mark 14:10-25

Jesus is heading to the cross, the cross that exposes our hearts (Mark 14:10-20)

The cross fulfills what Passover foreshadowed (Mark 14:20-25)

The Lord’s Table

Who should take communion?

How should I prepare my heart for communion? 


  • Is there unconfessed sin that I need to repent of before the Lord? 

  • Are there actions I am doing that are causing disunity in the body that I need to confess?

  • Is there someone I need to approach to seek forgiveness or to forgive in lieu of taking communion today? 

Life Group Discussion Questions

Read Mark 14:10-25

  1. The deal has been struck, and shortly Judas Iscariot will finalize the betrayal of Jesus Christ.  And yet no one who has walked with him for three years suspects him.  We can hide our sin from others, and we may at times even convince ourselves that our sin is not that bad, but the cross exposes our sin for what it is.  Why do we hide our sins from others and not readily confess to others?

  2. How do we convince ourselves that our sin is not that bad? 

  3. The Lord’s Table (communion) is a time when the elements point to the truths of the Gospel.  A body broken.  Bloodshed.  A meal together to celebrate this covenant sealed by the blood of Christ.  All of this is also seen in Exodus 24.3-11.  How does seeing this redemptive narrative played out in Scripture help shape your understanding of celebrating the Lord’s Table?

  4. When preparing for the Lord’s Supper there is a time for us to examine ourselves and our relationship with God through Christ and our relationship with other believers.  Why is this healthy and necessary to do regularly as a Christian?