Mark 5:1-20
Scene #1: Jesus and the Demoniac (5:1-13)
Response: Hostility and Resistance
“What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” (Mark 5:7)
Though we are not tortured by the devil, yet he holds us as his slaves, till the Son of God delivers us from his tyranny. Naked, torn, and disfigured, we wander about, till he restores us to soundness of mind.” - John Calvin
Scene #2: Jesus and the People (5:14-17)
Response: Fear and Selfishness
“And they began to beg Jesus to depart from their region.” (Mark 5:17)
“They are more comfortable with the malevolent forces that take captive human beings and destroy animals than they are with the one who can expel them. They can cope with the odd demon-possessed wild man who terrorizes the neighborhood with random acts of violence. But they want to keep someone with Jesus’ power at lake’s length.” - David Garland
Scene #3: Jesus and the Disciple (5:18-19)
Response: Yearning and Adoration
“As he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed with demons begged him that he might be with him.” (Mark 5:18)
Epilogue: The Disciple and the Mission (5:20)
Response: Surrender and Obedience
“Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you…and everyone marveled.” - Mark 5:19-20
Discussion questions:
What is the deinition of “freedom” according to today’s culture? How does this deinition stand in contrast to the spiritual freedom that we receive in Christ through the gospel?
How does the response of the demons mirror how we wrongfully respond to Jesus’ authority in our lives?
Like the Garasene people, how does selishness not allow us to see what God wants to do in us, and in the lives of those around us?
Could you say that yearning and adoration characterizes your current posture towards Jesus? Have you seen this desire fade over time? What might need to change in order for this to be restored?
What’s the most challenging aspect of sharing Christ with someone else? How could these challenges be overcome? As a group, consider praying for wisdom and boldness to faithfully share Christ with others.