Mark 7:23-30

God’s grace is for the nations and that is rooted throughout Scripture.

  • Genesis 12:2-3

  • Psalm 87:1-4

A right understanding of Christ begins with a right understanding of where we stand in relation to Christ.

While we should be more than satisfied with receiving crumbs from God, in His grace He is not satisfied with giving us crumbs.

"After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out, “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for his judgments are true and just…" - Revelation 19:1-2a

  • Revelation 19:5-9

Discussion questions:

  1. Throughout Scripture we see God’s grace is for the nations. From Genesis 12.2-3, to Psalm 87.1-4, to the Great Commission in Matthew 28.16-20. Even in our passage in Mark we see Jesus showing the 12 that “outsiders” are welcome in the Kingdom of God. In light of our current cultural context, how should this reality shape the way we look at the nations that come to our country as students, as immigrants, and as refugees?

  2. In our passage in Mark, Jesus shows the 12 that the Messiah is for more than just Israel. (Praise God! Because if you are saved and not of Jewish descent then this means you.) In this interaction Jesus breaks down generations of stereotypes and racism to show the disciples how God views all people. What areas of our own lives do we need to see and repent of in this same light? In other words, who are the people that you see that pridefully (and sinfully) you can think are outside the scope of God’s grace?

  3. In our passage we see a right understanding of Christ begins with a right understanding of where we stand in relation to Christ. The woman was content for the crumbs that Jesus could give her knowing she was in no way deserving of these. Many times we can take one of two heart postures. We can think we absolutely deserve a seat at the table, that God owes us something. On the other hand, sometimes we may think there is no way God can love us, we don’t even deserve the crumbs. What are some reasons or ways in which we may take one of these heart postures? How does Jesus address both heart postures in this passage?

  4. Revelation 19.1-2a, 5-9 shows us that while we should be more than satisfied with receiving crumbs from God, in His grace He is not satisfied with giving us crumbs. How does this truth shape your affections for God?