Exodus 20:15
Why do we steal?
We want more = greed
We are competitive = jealousy
We don’t trust God
We deny the providence of God
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
- Augustine of Hippo, Confessions
Matthew 15:18-20
Romans 12:1-2
Communion Reflection Questions:
1. What areas of my life do I see greed, areas that I need to confess that I place more value on than God?
2. Are there areas of my life I need to repent of due to jealousy over what God has given someone else?
3. What area of my life do I need to trust God in providing what I need, not what I want, but what I need?
4. As I think about what I value, what do I need to let God continue to transform in my heart to show me the finite value of worldly goods and the infinite value of God’s glory?